Welcome to the PCBakers website! Here you can find recipes, information about upcoming bake sales, and learn how to help the initiative.
The PCBakers group was formed in April 2022 at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB). The idea behind the PCBakers came from another group called the Incubakers (Incubakers Instagram), which was created in 2013 at the PRBB.
Who are we?
We are an informal association of around eighty people who all work in different groups at the PCB. Our crew includes laboratory technicians, computational researchers, PhD students, and managers (as well as many other roles). Some of us like to bake, some like to help run the bake sales, but all of us enjoy eating cakes and cookies for a good cause!
Our group strives to promote inclusion and equality; all PCBaker members are encouraged to share their thoughts on how we can improve.

What is a PCBakers bake sale?

Once a month, the PCBakers organize a charity bake sale at the PCB. On the morning of the event, our members donate dozens of delicious homemade pastries, which we then offer to the public in exchange for donations (€3 is suggested)- we also now offer participants free coffee or juice with any donation! Each month, the bake sales raise money for a different charity, and all PCBaker members can propose charities for future events.

Charity bake sales are an excellent way to raise money for charity; participants get a tasty breakfast, they learn about a new cause, and meet new people from all around the PCB. Our first bake sale was in May 2022, and it raised over €1000!

All of our upcoming events will be announced via the PCB internal newsletter T'Interessa, as well as on the home page of this website and our social media accounts. If you want to make sure that you'll never miss out, sign up to our Google Group!
How does a PCBakers bake sale work?
Anyone from the PCB can join the PCBakers group, and then they are able to propose to raise money for their favorite charity in a future bake sale by contacting the PCBakers Coordinators. The PCBakers Coordinators will then confirm a date for the event, provide materials and information about how to run the bake sale, and help with any questions or issues. Finally, the person who proposed the charity is responsible for organizing and running the bake sale, but they can always count on the rest of the PCBakers crew for help. At the end of each bake sale, we announce how much money was raised, and send 100% of all donations to the charity!

If you'd like to propose your favorite charity for a future event, we have a step-by-step checklist which explains the whole process. This "PCBakers protocol" checklist guarantees that each bake sale will be a success. And remember, the PCBakers Coordinators and PCBakers crew will always be available to help with any questions.
How can I help?
You can help our initiative in many ways such as baking something, donating drinks like milk or juice, helping to advertise future events, volunteering to help run a bake sale, or proposing a charity for a future bake sale. The PCBaker crew is always growing and improving, and we would love to have you with us! If you do decide to become a PCBakers member, keep in mind that you will never be forced to participate in a bake sale; all members decide independently if and how they wish to participate each month, so there is no risk that anyone will burnout from too much baking.
Are you convinced yet? If so (Yay!) the first step is to join the PCBakers Google Group here; once we've approved your request, you'll be able to access our group conversations and shared documents.